April 2018

3rd April - 7.45pm

'Malcolm's Treasure Hunt' at the Clubhouse.  

  • Judge Malcolm Ranieri FRPS, MPAGB AFIAP,BPE5*.
  • Revised format for this year, find the competition rules here.


10th April - 7.45pm

Presentation at the clubhouse - MCPF Travelling Portfolio

  • The Travelling Portfolio is made up of prints and PDI selected from the Photofolio Exhibition held last June. The winning images plus some of the accepted images go into make up an evening entertainment. MCPF judges Judith and Roger Parry and Graham Walton provide a commentary for the prints (first half) and PDI (second half). 


17th April - 7.45pm

Interclub Competition vs Banbury at the Clubhouse

  • The competition is Prints only (24 for each club) with a break half way through. Marks out of 20.
  • They last two competitions have been very close with each club winning one.
  • Judge - John Haines


19 April - 8:15am to 4pm

Field trip to Birmingham to photograph the canals and places of interest led by Malcolm Ranieri FRPS and Stewart Band LRPS.

Meet at Stratford Station in time to take 08:26 to Birmingham Moor Street.  


24 April – 7.45pm  Extra Meeting at the Clubhouse.

Selection of Images for submission to Stratford Hospital.

Details will be emailed to members.