April 2019


9th April - 7.45pm


  • MCPF Travelling Portfolio
  • The Travelling Portfolio is made up of Prints and PDIs selected from the Photofolio Exhibition held the previous June. The winning images plus a number of the accepted images provide an evening of entertainment with MCPF judges Judith and Roger Parry plus an invited judge providing a commentary for the Prints (first half) and PDIs (second half). 


Monday 15th April - 7.30pm at Banbury Camera Club

Inter-Club Competition.

  • SPG vs Banbury.
  • The competition is Prints only (24 for each club) with a break half way through. Marks out of 20.
  • The last two competitions have been very close with SPG just beating BCC .
  • Judge - Julia Cleaver ARPS.


Thursday 18 April - FIELD TRIP CANCELLED


30th April – 7.45pm

Internal Competition.

  • Merit 3.
  • Judge  - Trevor Rudkin LRPS
  • 2 Prints & 2 DPIs per entrant
  • First internal competition using the new 1600 pixel x 1200 pixel standard
  • General Rules can be found here, and details of entry procedures here.