Stratford Photo Group members have the opportunity to submit their work for consideration for acceptance and awards in a number of regional, national and international external competitions.
Details of some of these are shown below.
A list of exhibitions (May - September) is available which you may wish to consider entering. Detailed information can be missing on the later BPE exhibitions as these are often not updated until two months before the closing date.
Three Recommended Exhibitions
Grange (local - Coventry). Limited to 100 prints so quite competitive. DPI section not limited so it is easier to get an acceptance. Delivery is organised by the Club so images forms and fees should be given to Stewart Band.
Midlands Salon - Revived after a period. This is an MCPF event and worthy of our support. Prints, entry forms and fees to Stewart Band.
GB Small Print International. A4 unmounted prints so low printing costs and postage fees (non returnable). Good one for people with travel images.
All queries to Stewart Band.
Click here to find out more about the GB Small Print International
British Photographic Exhibition (BPE)
The BPE exhibitions are typically organised by a single photography club or by a number of clubs in the same geographic area who get together to organise a national exhibition. There is a self help group called the British Photographic Exhibition (BPE) which has 15 member exhibitions. The BPE was set up to encourage photographers to enter exhibitions and the members share ideas, promote each others exhibitions and generally work together to promote competitive photography.
Click here to find out more about BPE exhibitions.
PAGB Exhibitions
The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB) organises several competitions and exhibitions in the UK. Entry is normally through an affiliated organisation (ours is The Midland Counties Photographic Federation or MCPF).
Click here to find out more about PAGB exhibitions.
FIAP Exhibitions
Salons and exhibitions are run round the world under the FIAP patronage. Information on the 2016 exhibitions can be found here.
The criteria for FIAP awards are here.