February 2021

We shall be holding Zoom meetings in February.  Members will receive login instructions prior to each meeting.

9th February - 7.45pm

Members' evening.

  • "Malcolm's Treasure Hunt" - portfolios of 8 images per entrant - 1 image from each of 8 categories:
  • Dereliction; Water; Street; Abstract; Creature; Architecture; Plant; Transport
  • The images should be quirky, amusing and unusual.
  • The competition will be judged by our own Ian Bailey LRPS CPAGB. Detailed rules here.


23rd February - 7.45pm

Panels Evening.

  • For the first time, we are holding a DPI Panels open Zoom session.
  • Up to 4 Panels per entrant, (Colour, Mono, Nature, Creative, any genre). Three images per panel.
  • This will not be a competition but more like a critique workshop, where members can comment on each other's panels.