January 2019


15th January - 7.45pm


  • "Midland Waterways - Then & Now" - a talk by Roger Butler LRPS spanning some 50 years and using 35mm slides and DPIs to show the changes that have taken place over the decades.


22th January - 7.45pm

Internal Competition.

  • Merit 2.
  • Judge  - Bob Train LRPS CPAGB
  • 2 Prints & 2 DPIs per entrant
  • Rules can be found here.


29th January - 7.45pm

Members' Evening.

  • Audio-Visuals - following the successful introduction of this event last year, another opportunity for members to show and talk about their AV work.  If you haven't tried AV, why not give it a go?
  • Organised by Michael Robertson-Smith.