June 2017

6th June - 7.45pm

AGM at the Clubhouse.

  • Read the minutes of last year's AGM here
  • Read the agenda of this year's AGM here (not yet available)


Friday 9th June 1600

Field trip - Ettington Orchids led by Dick Prior ARPS, EFIAP/b, BPE5*.

  • Venue is the roundabout on the A429 just west of Ettington.
  • The orchids are out at Ettington so the first of 2 trips to photograph them will take place Friday evening at 16.00.
  • As always a tripod and a macro lens are ideal but good pix can be obtained without these. If you do not have a macro lens then select the lens with the closest focus distance and if you don't have a suitable tripod then use your camera bag and or set the appropriate shutter speed (1/focal length without image stabilisation) and aperture probably at least f11. To ensure the exposure us correct also select 'ISO Auto' which will automatically select an appropriate ISO setting to give you a good exposure.
  • If you are coming tomorrow, or plan to come at another time on your own, please park safely as this is a busy traffic island.