March 2017

2nd March - 2pm to 4pm

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall.

  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/b,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each


7th March - 7.45pm

Interclub Competition vs Leamington Spa Photographic Society at the clubhouse

  • Prints and DPIs
  • Judge - Ken Hudson CPAGB BPE2


14th March - 7.45pm

Meeting at the clubhouse.

  • Mono Interest Group - Michael Robertson-Smith


16th March - 2pm to 4pm

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall.

  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/b,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each


21st March - 7.45pm

Lecture at the clubhouse Anne Sutcliffe FRPS EFIAP. Anne is a member of the Fotospeed Lecture Service.

  • "Annie's Land" a print based talk
  • Anne was our judge for this year's Merit 2 DPIs competition and visited us last year to give the first talk in her series "Keep on Running"

28th March - 7.45pm

Workshop at Permajet offices

  • "Paper Selection to Print Perfection"
  • Colin Hulley from Permajet will be demonstrating the various Permajet papers and their characteristics
  • He will be able to produce sample prints (A4) from your jpegs (bring them on a USB stick) to enable you to choose the best paper for your particular style of images
  • Permajet will have on sale everything you need to print and mount your own images at home, including ink cartridges, paper, mount board.
  • Please note this workshop is free for members

Permajet are based at The Imaging Warehouse Ltd., 1a Black Hill Industrial Estate, Warwick Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 0PT. (Follow this link for directions). This is the industrial estate behind the Mercedes Dealership on the Warwick Road, Stratford upon Avon.

Please note - there will not be a meeting at the clubhouse this evening



30th March - 2pm to 4pm

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall.

  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/b,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each