May 2017

Monday 8th May - 7.30pm start at Banbury

Interclub Competition vs Banbury 

  • SPG narrowly lost the first competition against Banbury in 2016. This year the competition will be at Banbury and we will be looking to do much better!
  • The competition is Prints only (24 for each club) with a break half way through. Marks out of 20.
  • Judge TBA


11th May - 2pm to 4pm CANCELLED - no more meetings until September 2017

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall.

  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/b,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each


16th May - 7.45pm

Presentation of Distinctions panels at the clubhouse, led by Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP,BPE5*


23rd May - 7.45pm

Annual Cups Competition at the Clubhouse.

  • Judge Michael Krier MA(Photography) ARPS  
  • Rules can be found here.


25th May - 2pm to 4pm CANCELLED - no more meetings until September 2017

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall.

  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/b,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each