October 2022
11th October - 7.45pm
Members' Evening.
- "Mono Interest Group": Members show and discuss their mono images (up to 10-20 DPIs per participating member, any genre. May have to be scaled back if many participants). If you have any mono prints you would like to show and discuss, bring them along.
- Organised by Michael Robertson-Smith
25th October - 7.45pm
PermaJet Presentation.
- "From Print 2 Perfection": Members are invited to bring an image (format to be advised) on a USB. Colin will suggest the paper type he would choose on which to print each image and will print the image on the paper for all to see. He will go through the PermaJet range of papers and discuss choosing the appropriate paper for an image. Colin will take questions, talk about paper profiles and introduce some special deals on papers and accessories.
- Presenter: Colin Huxley
© Stratford Photo Group