September 2017

5th September - 7.45pm

First meeting back after the summer holidays at the Clubhouse.

  • Show & Tell - Prints and/or DPIs, a maximum of six from each member - what I got up to in the holidays. Led by our chairman Stewart Band LRPS


7th September - 2pm to 4pm

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall.

These sessions will focus on:

  • Composition;
  • Camera Craft;
  • Photo editing skills (Photoshop CC and Elements).

The vehicle for this will be through tutorial/critique sessions where members bring images on a memory stick for consideration by members present. These sessions are open to all members regardless of experience and skill level. Most importantly they will not follow a fixed curriculum but will visit and revisit the 3 main items listed above.

  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/s,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each


12th September - 7.45pm

Workshop at the Clubhouse. A new venture for the club, to encourage new and existing members to learn about their cameras.

  • Bring your camera and ask questions! Tables around the room - one for each of Canon, Nikon etc.
  • After the break - On screen presentations about the club. Explanation of the Programme, the Merit comps, Members evenings, Workshops etc
  • Workshop contribution £3 each


19th September 2017 - 7.45pm

Lecture at the Clubhouse. Harish Chavda MPAGB, ARPS

  • A print based lecture mostly on Permajet paper.
  • Lecture title is "Sporting Images".
  • Showing top flight images from athletics, boxing, equestrian, rugby, water sports etc.  The images are taken at some of the major sporting events and iconic venues which include Olympic Stadium.
  • The talk also contains images from Harish's MPAGB which he will show in the second-half of the evening with a full explanation of the background. He will give the story behind the images and lots of hints and tips. Members will get a chance to ask questions throughout the lecture.  Also, all the prints will be displayed for close inspection for the benefit of members during the interval and at the end of the lecture.


21st September - 2pm to 4pm

Workshop at Wellesbourne Village Hall. Meeting CANCELLED. Next meeting at Wellesbourne, is on Thursday 5th October 2017

  • Tutorial/critique session where members bring images on a memory stick for consideration by members present.
  • Dick Prior ARPS,EFIAP/s,BPE5*
  • Workshop contribution £3 each


26th September - 7.45pm

Preview and critique evening for Merit 1 competition at the Clubhouse.

  • A chance to get some feedback on your images before Merit 1 - Stewart and Phil
  • A presentation on the SPG-Critique forum which enables you to get online feedback on your images and advice on anything photography related - David