February 2025

04th February - 7.45pm

Members' evening.

  • "Malcolm's Treasure Hunt" - portfolios of 8 images per entrant - 1 image from each of 8 categories:
    • Anyscape (Land; Sea; City; Night: Cloud; Panorama; etc);
    • Water;
    • Street;
    • Creative/Abstract;
    • Creature;
    • Architecture;
    • Plant;
    • Transport
  • The images should be quirky, amusing and unusual.
  • This fun competition will be judged by our own Ian Bailey LRPS CPAGB.

Images should be in the normal competition format: 1600 x 1200, sRGB, under 2 MB. Can you bring them on a memory stick please. Create a folder on the memory stick called MTH2025, and then copy all the images into the folder. Rename them so they are titled 1 Anyscape.jpg,  2 Water.jpg,  3 Street.jpg,  4 Creative.jpg, 5 Creature.jpg,  6 Architecture.jpg, 7 Plant.jpg,  8 Transport.jpg.  This is so that the projectionist can easily find them on the memory stick because often people leave all sorts of other stuff on them and it is hard to find the relevant images. The images need to be numbered so that they project in the correct order to help the judge compare them with other ones. Do not use your own titles; use the ones given above. Remember - using memory sticks like this means there is no opportunity to correct any sizing or other mistakes. What you bring is what will be projected. The treasure hunt is usually a fun evening, good luck all.

Agree topic for 18th Feb.

18th February - 7.45pm

Workshop: Macro/Close-up Photography.

  • The objective of the session is to explore the basics of macro/close-up photography and have a bit of fun.
  • Bring your cameras and a macro lens, a telephoto lens or both (whilst a telephoto lens will not allow a true 1:1 image on the sensor, you will be able to achieve a suitable magnification that gives a reasonable image on the sensor as long as the subject is not too small.  Some cropping may be necessary to simulate a macro/close-up image).
  • Bring lighting/flash if you wish to use it.
  • Bring one or two suitable inanimate subjects.
  • We shall explore focus stacking/bracketing (if your camera supports it).
  • There will be limited scope for processing on the club laptop so, if your camera does not support in camera focus stacking/bracketing, and you want to process your images, bring your laptop.
  • You will need to be able to download images from your camera for processing and viewing.
